How to gain relief from Panic Attacks!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Performance Anxiety and tips to cure it.

Performance anxiety can occur when you tell yourself that you going to put on a terrible performance and fail horribly at what you are attempting to do.
Anxiety is simply a normal part of everyday life for many people. As for those people whose fears of the stage, or performing on the stage, it is called performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is caused by the ways you think and feel. Performance anxiety can be a deeply personal subject for musicians actors and any person required to go in front of small or large audiences, and many are reluctant to discuss all the possible remedies. Stage fright, fear of public speaking and performance anxiety is determined if you:
Have an immediate surge of fear and anxiety upon learning that you will be delivering a public speech or performing in front of an audience.
Suffer from more then healthy anticipatory anxiety thinking about your presentation or performance ahead of time.
There are four steps for managing performance anxiety, and these are:
Identify problematic thinking, personal motives for thinking, and capabilities and limitations as a performer.
Do not confuse self-assessment with self-criticism.
General Exposure and Preparation Tips
Practice performances, dress rehearsals, taping yourself and playing back to be able to prepare yourself for any performances.
During the performance here are some tips to consider...
Use anxiety to your advantage and maintain normal routine during your performance.
Staying calm works wonders.
Think of performing as an opportunity for experience.
Enjoy the performance, rather than wasting your time worrying about the outcome.
After the performance here are some tips.
Congratulate and reward yourself for making the big step in overcoming your anxiety about performing.
Sexual Performance Anxiety Tips
There is another type of anxiety that has similar traits called men’s sexual performance anxiety.
Sexual performance anxiety greatly affects men’s self-confidence over time.
As mentioned anxiety is a normal part of life; therefore, it is true that most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives.
Anxiety keeps us alert and helps us cope in every stressful event or situation. But, there is a type of anxiety that is common to men when we talk about sexual issues- men’s sexual anxiety.
Men’s sexual anxiety affects their performance in bed. Male’s sexual performance anxiety is described when a man has trouble getting “his thing up”.
Men who have sexual performance anxiety usually worry about whether they do get a penile erection and when they are about to have sex, they lose their erection, or it can be that when they are actually in the course of having sexual intercourse, they lose the genital erection, or they don’t get their “thing” stubbornly up at all.
Sexual performance anxiety can happen to men in any of those situations. One of the treatments targets erectile dysfunction (ED) known as the sensate focus technique. Hypnosis can reduce sexual performance anxiety to promote a more relaxed and confident sense of self, optimize self-esteem, happiness and boost self confidence.
Another remedy is prescription drug treatment therapy. Men’s sexual performance anxiety is one of the issues that are not openly discussed publicly. The reasons of men’s sexual performance anxiety are either the result of how they feel, what they are telling themselves, or because of genital erectile dysfunction. Whatever the reasons maybe, sexual performance anxiety is curable!
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Friday, January 26, 2007

How to get rid of Panic attacks forever

An anxiety attack may affect your quality of life if not given treatment immediately

If you are in a state of anxiety, it is likely that you experience anxiety attack.

One in every 75 people worldwide will experience an anxiety attack at one point in his/her life.

Most anxiety sufferers report fear of dying, going crazy or losing control of emotions as well as behavior. A person with a phobia will often experience an anxiety attack as a direct result to the hung-up trigger. These anxiety attacks are brief and quickly relieved once the trigger is escaped. In the conditions of chronic anxiety, one anxiety attack can usually turn into another one, leading to a nervous fatigue over a period of days.

An anxiety attack has symptoms that often occur suddenly without any apparent cause.

Increased sweating
Dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea
Difficulty breathing
Fear of losing control and doing something embarrassing
Fear of dying

When there is continuous, inferior anxiety, a person frequently works too hard when breathing. Anxiety attack is a serious condition, but before you start thinking if you have this condition and go running to see a doctor, stop and take a deep breath! Relax before you start having an anxiety attack, even if you actually don’t have it. If you are diagnosed with anxiety attack condition, appropriate medication and good counseling can bring your life to normal again.

Is There An Anxiety Cure?

Psychological therapies are much more effective for an anxiety cure than medications.

It is normal for people to experience anxiety from to time. Unlike short-lived, mild anxiety caused by a stressful event, anxiety disorder lasts at least 6 months and may worsen if not properly and immediately treated.

The best way to anxiety cure is to understand anxiety condition. Anxiety is a troubled state of mind. Anxiety results from fearful thinking of future events or situations. Anxiety condition occurs for specific reason and have underlying basis why it persists. Education is an important way to help attain anxiety cure. Relaxation techniques include: regular muscle relaxation, meditation, abdominal breathing, and isometric relaxation exercise.

Proper breathing techniques- The physical symptoms of anxiety may be triggered by hyperventilation or rapid breathing, which raises oxygen levels and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Cognitive therapy- this technique focuses on altering patterns of thinking and beliefs that are associated with ad trigger anxiety. Cognitive therapy strategies should include rational self-talk, training on attention, reality testing cognitive challenging, and cognitive restructuring.

Behavior therapy- the major component of behavior therapy is exposure. Studies show that psychological therapies are much more effective than drugs in managing anxiety disorder in the long run.

Dietary adjustments- inadequate intake of vitamin B and calcium can worsen anxiety symptoms. There may have effective anxiety cure, but the level of recovery depends on the participation and willingness of the person with anxiety condition.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Panic Attacks are terrifying

Panic Attacks Are Terrifying!
One third of all the adults in the United States will experience some type of panic attack this year, whether it is a single event or part of an ongoing condition. Panic attacks are terrifying; ask one of those people, they will surely agree with that. Panic attacks are periods of extreme, disabling fear or anxiety that is brought on by a certain trigger. It can be accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and even severe chest pains. Panic attack sufferers may easily believe that they are experiencing a heart attack or some other, more serious medical problem, when what they are actually feeling are the physical symptoms of a psychological condition.
Panic disorder is the chronic condition of people who experience panic attacks as an ongoing medical problem. Those who have been diagnosed with an actual panic disorder are usually prescribed medication to curb their attacks. With the variable symptoms that panic attacks carry and the variety of things out there that trigger them, it may take a few different dosage amounts or a couple different types of medication befoe you find the one that works the best for you. It is easy to forget to take your medication, or decide that you are done with it and don’t want to take it anymore for whatever reason, but your health professional knows what they are doing. If they prescribe you a medication for your panic attacks, it is important that you take it, to decrease the likelihood of you ever having another one of those terrifying episodes again.
While panic attacks can be extremely troublesome, you can keep the control of your life that having panic attacks can sometimes make it feel like you are losing. Outside of medication, therapy is also another way of possibly curbing your panic attacks. Panic attacks are often brought on by a certain trigger, or series of triggers. Triggers are things in your environment that cause your body to react; whatever it is in your environment that causes you to have a panic attack can be a trigger. It can be hard to figure out on your own what your trigger is, and without knowing what your trigger is it can be hard to guarantee that the attacks will stop. Talking with a counselor or a therapist can help you to understand what it is that causes your panic attacks, so you can takes steps to prevent them from happening to you again.
If you drink or do drugs, these things can bring on panic episodes as well. Caffeine is also known to bring on panic attacks so if you partake in any of the aforementioned and you suffer from panic attacks, consider quitting. This may help you reduce or even eliminate the panic attacks you are having.
Panic attacks ARE terrifying. If you are having panic attacks, keep in mind that there are ways to get around them, and there are people that can help. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms if you think the symptoms you are suffering from may be indicative of panic attacks.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What is Anxiety and do I have it ?

What Is Anxiety And Do I Have It?
Of course, everyone has anxiety. Anxiety is a vague word meaning any one of several unpleasant emotions, usually involving the anticipation of some misfortune to come. Stress, as well legitimate worries about every day live, bring about anxiety.
However, there is a difference between regular anxiety and an anxiety disorder. Whereas anxiety is simply a negative emotion, an anxiety disorder involves chronic anxiety, usually approaching extreme levels. Such extreme levels might see an otherwise healthy and normal person become suddenly and irrationally afraid of something, or nervous and irritable, or may cause mild to severe panic attacks. Panic attacks are simply a peak of anxiety and do not necessarily mean a person is developing a panic disorder, though it is a probability.
A person may also develop an unnatural fear of public places, other people or of specific phobias. They may constantly feel the need to escape, and feel quite agitated if they feel they are trapped in a situation. This is linked to agoraphobia, once of many types of anxiety related phobias that can develop.
Anxiety disorders can easily lead to physical symptoms as well as mental and emotional ones. People suffering from chronic and intense anxiety may also experience nausea, trembling, chills, and light headedness. In addition, severe symptoms like chest pains, numbness and a shortness of breath might appear, thus scaring someone into believing they are having a heart attack or even dying.
What causes an anxiety disorder to develop? Anxiety, of course but from what source? It could due to external surroundings; stress and difficult living situations can be traumatic and can cause a person to feel very anxious throughout the day for a long period of time. There is also evidence that genetics can cause anxiety disorder to be inherited.
If you feel that you may have an anxiety disorder then there is cause for concern—the fact that you feel anxious enough to question your wellbeing, means either you are under a lot of stress or feel you may be developing an unnatural fear or reluctance in every day life. The best thing to do is to consult a family physician. He or she will give you a physical examination and rule out any physical factors that might be bringing on your symptoms. If there's no problem there then the doctor could refer you to a mental health specialist who will conduct a further evaluation.
Traditional medication may be recommended, or psychotherapy could be suggested as an alternative. One mistake people make is to put off going for an examination because they don't want to be put on medication. Understandably, since there are many risks involved in potentially addictive antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills, not to mention the rising cost of pharmaceutical drugs. However, the doctor will work with you and may be willing to treat the problem without medication. Aside from herbal remedies or self-help techniques psychotherapy has proven successful in many cases.
Avoidance is another symptom of anxiety disorder. But avoiding a professional examination may be too much of a risk to take, considering that you’re mental and physical health could be at stake.

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