How to gain relief from Panic Attacks!

Friday, January 26, 2007

How to get rid of Panic attacks forever

An anxiety attack may affect your quality of life if not given treatment immediately

If you are in a state of anxiety, it is likely that you experience anxiety attack.

One in every 75 people worldwide will experience an anxiety attack at one point in his/her life.

Most anxiety sufferers report fear of dying, going crazy or losing control of emotions as well as behavior. A person with a phobia will often experience an anxiety attack as a direct result to the hung-up trigger. These anxiety attacks are brief and quickly relieved once the trigger is escaped. In the conditions of chronic anxiety, one anxiety attack can usually turn into another one, leading to a nervous fatigue over a period of days.

An anxiety attack has symptoms that often occur suddenly without any apparent cause.

Increased sweating
Dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea
Difficulty breathing
Fear of losing control and doing something embarrassing
Fear of dying

When there is continuous, inferior anxiety, a person frequently works too hard when breathing. Anxiety attack is a serious condition, but before you start thinking if you have this condition and go running to see a doctor, stop and take a deep breath! Relax before you start having an anxiety attack, even if you actually don’t have it. If you are diagnosed with anxiety attack condition, appropriate medication and good counseling can bring your life to normal again.

Is There An Anxiety Cure?

Psychological therapies are much more effective for an anxiety cure than medications.

It is normal for people to experience anxiety from to time. Unlike short-lived, mild anxiety caused by a stressful event, anxiety disorder lasts at least 6 months and may worsen if not properly and immediately treated.

The best way to anxiety cure is to understand anxiety condition. Anxiety is a troubled state of mind. Anxiety results from fearful thinking of future events or situations. Anxiety condition occurs for specific reason and have underlying basis why it persists. Education is an important way to help attain anxiety cure. Relaxation techniques include: regular muscle relaxation, meditation, abdominal breathing, and isometric relaxation exercise.

Proper breathing techniques- The physical symptoms of anxiety may be triggered by hyperventilation or rapid breathing, which raises oxygen levels and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Cognitive therapy- this technique focuses on altering patterns of thinking and beliefs that are associated with ad trigger anxiety. Cognitive therapy strategies should include rational self-talk, training on attention, reality testing cognitive challenging, and cognitive restructuring.

Behavior therapy- the major component of behavior therapy is exposure. Studies show that psychological therapies are much more effective than drugs in managing anxiety disorder in the long run.

Dietary adjustments- inadequate intake of vitamin B and calcium can worsen anxiety symptoms. There may have effective anxiety cure, but the level of recovery depends on the participation and willingness of the person with anxiety condition.
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