How to gain relief from Panic Attacks!

Monday, February 05, 2007

What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like ?

Panic attacks can happen for what seems like no reason. Some people aren't even aware that they have an anxiety problem, yet they have that gut feeling that something is wrong. In order to best care for your mental health, you should understand what an anxiety attack feels like. It's usually defined as a very intense feeling of fear or distress. Sometimes it feels like everything is going to go wrong and the world is caving in. Many times panic attacks happen suddenly, confusing the people who are affected by it. The symptoms listed below usually accompany a panic attack. You may be having an anxiety attack if you're experiencing:* A feeling of impending doom* Feeling as if you're going to die* Racing heartbeat or palpitations* Shaking or trembling* Breathlessness, shortness of breath, or feeling as if you're being smothered* Sweating* Feeling as if you're choking or have a lump in your throat* Nausea or upset stomach* Chest pains* Dizziness or light-headedness* Fear of going mad or losing control of yourself* Feeling as if you're outside of yourself or not real* Numbness or tingling sensations in the face and body* Sudden body temperature change such as chills or hot flashes* Skin changing color, such as blushing or turning pale* A sudden urge to use the bathroomWhen you have a panic attack, your body is responding in the way it would if you were really in danger. However, sometimes they happen at unlikely times and for no apparent reason at all. Anxiety attacks also happen at uncomfortable and unsettling times, which is much easier to understand and apprehend.Panic attacks that happen frequently are usually due to an anxiety disorder. Anyone who has suffered from even just one panic attack may have some underlying health or mental problems that need addressing. Seeking medical help is a must if you're worried about panic attacks or anxiety disorders. Some signs of anxiety disorders are: * Excessive and unhealthy worrying* Constantly checking actions and rechecking them* Feeling fearful and anxious for what seems like no reason* Worrying about normal everyday occurrences* Having panic attacks (which was discussed above)* Feeling extremely uncomfortable in public areas* Having a constant fear of being humiliated in public* Unprovoked anger* Frequent upsetting memories of traumatic past experiences* Obsession with rituals and routines (OCD)These are all signs of an anxiety disorder being present. However, just because you have an anxiety disorder, it does not necessarily mean you'll suffer from panic attacks too. If you display any of these behaviors, please consult with your doctor so they can identify what problems you may be having and how they can be helped.

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