How to gain relief from Panic Attacks!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Leading a Normal life even though you have panic attacks

If you have ever experienced a panic attack, even a little one, you probably understand how it can be difficult for those who frequently experience panic attacks to lead normal lives. They are characterized by moments of extreme fear or panic, usually for an unexplained reason, that can make a person sick. Symptoms of panic attacks include shortness of breath, pains in the chest area, numbness in limbs, dizziness when sitting and/or standing, and times of extreme anxiety. These symptoms are brought on for a number of reasons, individual to different cases of panic disorders and different people.
With proper medication, counseling, and even behavioral therapy it is possible to lead a perfectly normal life, even if you do suffer from panic attacks, however frequent or seldom may they be. For those who have little or no control over their disorders, or who have not yet been diagnosed with a panic disorder may find it difficult to concentrate on things, to make friends, and to function properly at work. With effective treatment and understanding of your condition, however, you can avoid being one of these cases. People who have panic attacks are normal people; the only difference between panic attack sufferers and anybody else in the world is that their bodies and their brains react in different ways to fear. The body has a natural flight reaction to fear; your natural inclination in danger is to flee, or cower. Humans are not naturally brave beings at all. Panic attacks are just an exaggeration of fears that are brought on every day, by small things. They create an unnecessary amount of stress that can be avoided with proper therapy and medication.
With effective treatment, panic attack sufferers can drastically reduce or even eliminate the number of panic attacks they suffer each year, leading to a happier, healthier, and certainly more successful lifestyle. Panic disorder affects almost 20 million Americans every year; many of the people you deal with each day suffer from panic attacks in the privacy of their own homes, but can you tell? Probably not. The environment around you is proof evident that many people in the world have panic attacks, but they have their problem under control enough to where they are able to lead perfectly normal existences. Although panic disorders are not completely curable, advances in medication and therapy, not to mention public awareness, have helped to ensure that people are still able to successfully function in society, despite their problem
If you have panic attacks or have been diagnosed with a panic disorder, just remember that you are not alone and there is help out there. Talk to someone you can trust about the feelings you are having, and you may be surprised to find out the different ways you can go about molding your thoughts to ensure that you lead a normal existence, just like you deserve. Take control of your illness, and take control of your life.

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